Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hanging in there.

I just had to call in sick.  My first MC of the year, and the first month is not even out yet.  Woke up this morning at 5.10 am, feeling only slightly better than last night when I fell asleep at 9pm. Alhamdulillah the kids did the important chores; laundry done, doors all locked and Ryan tucked asleep with Sarah.  I just need to sort and fold the clean laundry and clear the sink of the dishes.  It took the strength of every fiber in my body to make dinner last night.

Iman called from STF this morning at 5.30.  We talked until Azan.  She called again at 6.30, still crying.  She is homesick.  When I told her that Daddy is in Aberdeen, UK, she cried even harder.  I wish I had a magic potion to cure homesickness.  Another long weekend (Maulidurrasul Day) is coming up.  She desperately wants to come home.  I asked her to be strong and hang in there.  What else can I say.

I went to school to pick up stuff.  Having an MC slip doesn't mean the work on my desk will get done all by itself.  I pray things will end better today..

Meanwhile.. I am sitting by the laptop waiting for Daddy to Gtalk.  Oh boy.. have I got things to unload!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Day STFian (4.1.12)

Taking time visit Lehigh sister, Liza at her residence in Malacca.

Liza patiently soothing Ahmad, who had an extraordinary 1st day  of school.
Ahmad couldn't let his mama go.

A teary goodbye, moments before leaving STF.

This building used to be my 'home' for 5 years, now it's Iman's.

Dorm B3
Iman chose 2nd bed from the door.

Back in the 80's, this room was a Study Room reserved for 3rd and 5th Formers only.  Other students were 'lovingly' shooed  away.  Now it is Dorm B3 and houses 10 students from Form 1 - 4.

The Bathroom next to my A2-13 Dorm, just as I remembered it.

My Dorm ('83-'87).  I wonder if the mirror at the back was the exact same mirror  we had.  Given STFians' record, it could be very possibly is!!

Dorm A2-13 (now called B4).

Iman and Izzah.  What Iman doesn't know is that Izzah cried for hours in the car, after leaving STF.

The corridor between Tun Teja Block and the Dining Hall.

The Dining Hall.

School block, as seen from the Dining Hall.

Daddy waiting outside, while Iman took her 1st lunch in the Dining Hall.

The back of School Hall.

Netball court, next to School Hall.  Iman is active in Netball now. 

Nice area now.  Back in my time, this was forbidden area. 

Tun Teja Block.

School prefects used to eat at the stage.  Now no more.

Iman, having her 1st lunch.

Lunch time.


Remember, no creases!!

Blue sheets in Tun Teja Block.
Filling in SMM forms in Tun Teja Common Room.