Friday, August 19, 2011

19 Ramadhan 1432

To start off.. let's see what do we have for iftar today..

White rice (of course)
Kerapu bakar - charcoal-grilled
Air asam - to complete the grilled fish
Sardin masak kicap
Sayur campur- stir fry 'cincai'
Acar rampai
Kuih abuk-abuk sagu
and.. lots of clear water (followed by hot java later before terawih)

And today Kushairy received a package sent by Photo Bucket.  He just won a Canon, almost what he actually wants.

About France.. passport renewed, a-week leave approved (remind me to buy a gift for the Pengetua), baby-sitter informed, parents agree to take care of our PMR-candidate and most importantly, kids agree that this Mom and her bff deserve to go holiday all by ourselves!!

Counting the days to Paris!!