Monday, August 16, 2010

First Ramadhan weekend

6 Ramadhan 1431

It's hard to believe that we have been fasting almost a week now. How time flies. All my kids are adjusting to Ramadhan very well. Even I'zzah is still able to smile, joke and play around right up to the last minute before iftar. They usually take a nap in the car on the way home from school, sometimes continue napping while waiting for their turn to use the bathroom at home, and basically stay fresh for the rest of the afternoon.

It is another very quiet Monday morning for me. Ryan is sleeping "like a baby" he is.

Kushairy came home for the weekend, so we were able to have 2 sahurs and one iftar together as a complete family. He came home to have a laptop waiting for him in his room. Daddy's need for speed has proved to be an advantage for him. Now he is able to pass his "old" notebook to Sarah and the faithful desktop is now available just for Iman and Dayana - exclusively to practise Skor A program on.

Did some Eid shopping on Saturday - baju kurung and blouses for the girls. We are going with purple theme this year. All four are very excited and happy with their choices (to say the least). Daddy gave a Raya budget to every one of them (very reasonable $ number, if I may add) and every one of them managed to exceed the number gleefully. The looks on their faces - priceless! (Daddy's Mastercard tagline). Now it is "just" a matter of finding the compatible shoes and tudungs to go with the dresses. Ahh.. the joy of having four daughters..

Shopping for Eid clothes on the first Ramadhan weekend has always been our family tradition. I believe it is the best time to choose (lots of Eid-influenced items to choose from); plus I can be rest assured that the dresses won't get worn (torn, dirtied) or lose their charm before Eid. Shopping together while fasting also teaches them patience, self discipline and correct time management - they knew they need to coordinate their choices in the alloted time so that their Mommy can still have time to prepare iftar. Too bad Daddy failed miserably in his effort to teach them "financial management". They still see Daddy as their mobile banker.. the sweet one.

Alas nothing for the boys yet. Kushairy couldn't find the right size/design/color for the item he wants. He is coming home again several days before Eid, so he figures he can still do last minute shopping then. Ryan couldn't care less about the rows and rows of adorable baju melayu, sampin and songkok. He was more than happy to be carried in the arms of his siblings, especially Kushairy's. (What stroller? Ryan's favorite mode of transport is the one with 2 legs, not 4 wheels). That also explains why Kushairy had such difficulty shopping.

Daddy bought a cili padi plant at Pasar Tani and planted it in a big flower pot in front of the house. So far, that's about all that Daddy got for himself this Eid.

I sent my Eid materials to my trusted tailor in Tanjung Piandang last month. Embroidery is still cheap in small kampung. Four kurungs and 2 kebayas. Two kurungs have made it home - now hanging in the closet. The others will be ready (insya Allah) days before Eid. May be I'll get one or two more tudungs, then I'm set. If 6 outfits for Eid sounds too many, consider the fact that I was pregnant last Eid- and had absolutely nothing fitting to help me celebrate. This is definitely kadha time.

I have ordered 4 types of Eid cookies - specially baked. I figure several more in the grocery store/ bazaar Ramadhan will catch my fancy between now and Eid. Eid cookies are NOT the items I want in my house too early in Ramadhan. Never mind the kids, it is me who has no self-control.

Now I better start thinking about how the house would look for Eid.

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