Friday, August 20, 2010

Aging process

9 Ramadhan 1431

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I see spots. I see fine lines. I see creases. I blame it on the environment. Or may be it was my blissful ignorance of skincare regiment in my younger days. Or is it my plain laziness both in my younger and present days? I know I'm paying for it now. The question is should I continue to pay the beautician to work wonders on my face with whatever latest tool/ technology she has up her sleeve or pay the beauty company for the latest serum/ lotion it has for vain (older?) women like me. Or maybe (just may be) I should use my money to help hungry orphans and underprivileged families survive this Ramadhan at least? If I were a good Muslim, the choice would be pretty clear. As it is, I am going to have to sit on this matter for quite a while.

The puffy purplish eye bags are definitely from the lack of straight-7-hour sleep. Ryan is too innocent to take the blame, so I guess it should go straight to his father. As a matter of fact, I only get 4 hours of sleep last night. I woke up at 3:55 am to prepare sahur for Daddy. Daddy left for KL to give training to Petronas execs at 4:50 this morning. (He called at 8.08 am to tell me that he had arrived). He left after giving me a pat on my left shoulder. No hugs/ kisses this time. Daddy didn't want to waste time retaking wudhu' for Subuh prayer on the road. Such a time conservationist - our Daddy.

Where was I? Ahh.. back to my aging process. I measure my waistline and my hip. I divide my waistline measurement by the hip number. 0.779412. Definitely a pear. Yeay! That means I have my fat at the correct places. Double Yeay! With BMI of 19.5629, I definitely have the correct amount of fat. Triple Yeay! (I just looove numbers.. they represent measurements that give me immeasurable joy!)

Alhamdullillah. Subhanallah. I am grateful for the healthy body, sound mind and boundless (most times) energy to carry on living. Thank You Allah for all You have given me, including the spots, eye bags, crow feet and wrinkles. I have made my decision now. I am going to live this day like it is my last day on Earth. I choose to be a better Muslim.

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